1. What is Sphing? Sphing enables PHP users to create SWF (Flash)
files without using any external binary libraries (like Ming).
2. Do I need it? Perhaps not, since it's not finished yet. But
it can already make life much easier. Take a Flash Photo Album
as an example. You could do it the conventional way and import
all your images into Flash, create a swf and upload it onto your
server. When you wanted to add another image, you had to open
your original source file, import the jpg, export and upload again.
With Sphing you would just upload your jpg.
3. Why not use Ming? Of course, this would be the easiest. But if
you don't own your webserver yourself, you're most likely not
able to install it.
4. Can I see it in action? Yes: Example
1 (returns an embedded jpg) Example
2 (returns hex dump) Example 3
shows that Sphing now can handle images with dimension larger
than 400 pixels
All these files are also included in the release package.
5. What are Sphing's requirements? All you need is a PHP(4) enabled Web server.
Though it has only been tested on Apache, it should run on anything
else also.
6. Cool! Where can I grab it? Go to the download
page at SourceForge and look for the latest release.